January 4, 2011

Back to 'work'!

I made it back to Nyon safely! I arrived yesterday morning and had my first practice of the New Year with my team last night. It was really nice seeing all of my Swiss teammates again. 

While I was on the plane I started reminiscing about my time home and something strange started to happen. I could feel the ‘New Jersey Hillary’ in all of her comfort and confidence disappearing over the Atlantic Ocean. What’s even weirder was that as soon as my train stopped and my feet hit Nyon pavement, I felt ‘Swiss Hillary’ in all her independence and passion flood over me. I’ll be perfectly honest; it is HARD TO LEAVE HOME. Each and every time I say goodbye to my friends and family it is hard. The good news is I will get to see them for a whole summer when I come home again in four months.
Me @ a dine-in theater

I had such a blast while I was home. Although I was only there for a couple weeks I packed in at least a whole months worth of activities. I got to take my Mom and sister to see Les Miserables at a local theater, saw two TCNJ basketball games and hung out with some alumni, went to a Nets game with my other 3 wheels, had an amazing Christmas dinner that ended with a fantastic magic show performed by yours truly (and my assistant who specialized in card tricks), saw Harry Potter 7, Tron (at a dine-in theater!), and Black Swan (what a messed up movie), went out in New Brunswick for an old teammate’s birthday, went to MK Sports & Entertainment Group’s meet and greet in NYC at the Lucky Strike (where I unfortunately did not bowl a single strike), practiced with my college team (which was so much fun), hung out with my high school friends, shoveled 18 inches of snow, and last but not least, rang in the new year with my best friends.

I think it’s pretty awesome how once I was home I felt as though I’d never left, and now that I’m back in Nyon I feel at ease here too. I decided that 2010 enabled me to take chances and wipe my slate clean. I’m hopeful that 2011 will bring just as many opportunities.

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